2009/10 One Year Rankings


These are the final one-year rankings for the 2009/10 season.

While a player remains in a tournament their points tally will be displayed in green.

Once a player is out of a tournament, their points for that event will be displayed in red to reflect that they cannot increase that total.

Those players named in yellow are the top eight on the one-year list who are not already inside the top 64 on the two-year list. These eight at the end of the season will remain on the main tour for 2010/11.

You can view the ranking event points schedules by clicking here.

Latest Rankings as of 03/05/2010 (after World Championship):

2009/2010 POINTS

1 Ding Junhui 3500 5600 8000 700 5600 3800 27200
2 John Higgins
4480 4480 6400 5000 2660 3800 26820
3 Neil Robertson 980 7000 3040 1900 2660 10000 25580
4 Ronnie O’Sullivan 7000 2660 5120 3200 980 5000 23960
5 Mark J Williams 2660 4480 3040 2500 7000 3800 23480
6 Allister Carter 2660 980 4000 4000 4480 6400 22520
7 Stephen Maguire 980 2660 5120 3200 2660 3800 18420
8 Mark Allen 980 3500 1120 2500 4480 5000 17580
9 Stephen Hendry 2660 2660 3040 1900 3500 3800 17560
10 Mark Selby 980 980 4000 2500 2660 6400 17520
11 Graeme Dott 1960 805 2240 1900 1960 8000 16865
12 Liang Wenbo 5600 1960 4000 575 805 2800 15740
13 Shaun Murphy 4480 980 3040 700 980 5000 15180
14 Mark King 1960 2660 3040 1900 3500 1400 14460
15 Jamie Cope 2660 2660 2240 1900 1960 2800 14220
16 Ken Doherty 3500 2660 1840 1150 1610 2800 13560
17 Mark Davis 1610 2660 1840 1400 1960 3800 13270
18 Peter Ebdon 980 3500 3040 700 3500 1400 13120
19 Joe Perry 980 3500 1120 700 2660 3800 12760
20 Ryan Day 3500 980 1120 2500 2660 1400 12160
21 Gerard Greene 1960 1960 2240 575 1960 2800 11495
22 Robert Milkins 1260 3500 1840 900 1960 1800 11260
23 Barry Hawkins 2660 805 920 1900 1960 2800 11045
24 Stuart Bingham 2660 1960 3040 1400 805 1150 11015
25 Matthew Stevens 2660 1960 2240 1900 805 1150 10715
26 Marco Fu 2660 980 1120 700 3500 1400 10360
27 Ricky Walden 3500 1960 2240 575 805 1150 10230
28 Steve Davis
805 805 2240 575 805 5000 10230
29 Stephen Lee 1960 805 3040 575 805 2800 9985
30 Tom Ford 455 1260 2240 1400 1610 2800 9765
31 Marcus Campbell 1960 1960 720 1400 630 2800 9470
32 Adrian Gunnell 1610 1610 1840 1400 630 2300 9420
33 Nigel Bond 1960 1960 920 575 2660 1150 9225
34= Andrew Higginson 1960 630 1840 1900 1960 900 9110
34= Mike Dunn 630 1610 2240 450 1960 2300 9190
36 Michael Holt 1960 805 2240 575 805 2800 9185
37 Tony Drago 1260 1260 1440 1400 1960 1800 9120
38 Rory McLeod 630 630 2240 1150 1960 2300 8910
39 Fergal O’Brien 805 805 920 1400 1960 2800 8690
40 Matthew Selt 1960 1960 1440 900 910 1300 8470
41 Judd Trump 805 805 2240 1400 1960 1150 8360
42 Peter Lines 1260 1610 4000 325 455 650 8300
43 Dominic Dale 1610 1610 1840 1400 630 900 7990
44 Rod Lawler 1260 1610 520 325 1960 2300 7975
45 Barry Pinches 455 2660
520 1150 1260 1800 7845
46 Martin Gould 1610 630 720 450 630 3800 7840
47 Mark Joyce 455 1960 1440 325 1260 2300 7740
48 Stuart Pettman 1610 630 720 1150 630 2800 7540
49 Ian McCulloch 630 1960 720 1150 630 2300 7390
50 Jamie Burnett 1610 1960 720 450 1610 900 7250
51 Anthony Hamilton 1610 630 2240 1150 630 900 7160
52 Alan McManus 630 630 720 1150 1610 2300 7040
53 Michael Judge 630 630 1840 1400 1610 900 7010
54 Bjorn Haneveer 910 910 320 900 1960 1800 6800
55 David Gilbert 1610 1610 520 900 1260 650 6550
56 Jimmy Robertson 1610 280 1440 650 1260 1300 6540
57 Jimmy Michie 630 630 1840 450 630 2300 6480
58 David Morris 455 1610 520 900 455 2300 6240
59 Joe Swail 1960 805 920 575 805 1150 6215
60 James Wattana 280 280 1040 650 1960 1800 6010
61 Dave Harold 805 805 920 1400 805 1150 5060
62 Patrick Wallace 1610 1260 1040 650 910 400 5870
63 Anda Zhang 280 1260 320 900 280 2800 5840
64 Simon Bedford 1610 910 1440 200 280 1300 5740
65 Joe Delaney 1260 455 1440 325 455 1800 5735
66 Joe Jogia 1260 910 320 650 1260 1300 5700
67 Michael White 1260 910 1840 200 910 400 5520
68 Andy Hicks 455 455 1440 900 1260 650 5160
69 Matthew Couch 1260 910 1040 200 1260 1300 5070
70 Ben Woollaston 910 280 1440 200 910 1300 5040
71 Jimmy White
1260 455 0 900 455 1800 4870
72 Paul Davies 455 1260 520 325 455 1800 4815
73 Xiao Guodong 910 280 1040 900 1260 400 4790
74 Liu Song 455 1260 520 1400 455 650 4740
75 Sam Baird
280 280 320 200 1610 1300 4710
76= Craig Steadman 910 280 1840 900 280 400 4610
76= Thepchaiya un-Nooh 280 910 1840 900 280 400 4610
78 John Parrott
455 1260 1440 325 455 650 4585
79 David Gray 280 910 320 200 910 1800 4420
80= Jin Long 455 455 520 325 455 1800 4010
80= David Roe 455 455 520 325 455 1800 4010
82 Noppadol Sangnil
1260 280 320 200 280 1300 3640
83 Li Hang 0 1260 320 1150 280 400 3410
84 David Hogan
280 280 1040 200 280 1300 3380
85 Atthasit Mahitthi 280 280 1440 650 280 400 3330
86 Brendan O’Donoghue
910 280 320 200 280 1300 3290
87 Lee Spick 1610 280 320 200 280 400 3090
88 Mark Boyle
280 910 320 0 280 1300 3090
89 Daniel Wells 910 910 320 200 280 400 3020
90 Mei Xiwen
0 280 320 200 910 1300 3010
91 Jordan Brown
280 280 1040 650 280 400 2930
92 Stephen Rowlings
280 910 320 650 280 400 2840
93 Chris Norbury
280 280 320 200 1260 400 2740
94= Ian Preece 280 280 320 200 910 400 2390
94= Andrew Norman 280 910 320 200 280 400 2390
96 Lee Page
280 280 320 650 280 400 2210