World Championship Qualifiers 2011: Round One Wrap

So that is round one is over and what a finish we had, a sensational match between Xiao Guodong and Kurt Maflin which saw four straight century breaks this evening. Usually I would prepare a detailed frame by frame report but as those of you following me on Twitter will have noticed, I have been posting frame by frame updates on there so hopefully they will give you the gist of how the matches unfolded.

Instead I offer a few thoughts on the action so far and who could be worth a watch in the coming rounds…

I have also updated the provisional rankings (they are right this time), and the drawsheet

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Summer of Snooker

While snooker is often (with some justification), criticised for its lack of events, it is hard to make that accusation at the moment as although the top 16 will not see ranking event action until early September, there are more than enough tournaments scheduled for the upcoming weeks. Click below to read what is going on and where…

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2008/9 Player Reviews: The Unlucky 24

Whilst you might be expecting me to review the season by looking back over the various tournaments staged, as I have already done that (for half the season anyway), as part of my 2008 review, I am going to do things a little differently here.

Instead I am going to look back at the seasons of each of the top 96 players on tour, increasing in detail as we move up the rankings. Today sees me look back at the 24 players who barring wildcards, will have lost their main tour places at the end of the season…

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