Holt on reaching Bahrain

World number 34 Michael Holt yesterday produced one of the standout performances of the round to qualify for another TV tournament this season as he looks to regain a top 32 spot in the rankings. Click to hear what he had to say following the match…

On his 5-0 win over Davy Morris:

“I didn’t give him a chance, it was just one of those matches where I played really well,”

“I potted everything, I was really happy with the way I played.”

“He’s [David] a very good player and Ken Doherty has spoken highly of him.

“But I was on form. I am getting more confident with every win, I’m determined to have a good season.”

On his last 32 match with Jamie Cope:

“The last two times I’ve played Jamie he’s had 147 breaks. I’ll have to tighten up my safety!

“Jamie’s going to be the favourite because he’s reached two finals and he’s the top seed. But I don’t mind, I’ve got every chance of beating him.”

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