Picture Perfect: Crucible Corner III

After an absence of five days I was back at the Crucible for the final weekend of this season’s World Championship. Here are the best of my photos from those final three days, including of Neil lifting the trophy…

Dott v Selby

Is there a better place to play snooker?

Steve Davis presents Rob Walker with an award for ‘biggest cock-up’ of the tournament!

Graeme enters the arena

Selby takes his seat

The said seat

MC Rob Walker

Dott leaves a winner

And Mark a loser

The final score

The table is hastily taken apart for a re-clothing

The People

Willie Thorne salutes the crowd

Rob Walker interviews Aussie David Jackson ahead of the final

Clive Everton gives an interview on the John Higgins saga

Leo Scullion, Brendan Moore and Colin Humphries have the best seats in the house

JP and SD

Peter Ebdon and his partner, relegated to Row F

The Statman…oh and Richard Caborn and Dickie Bird

The main man, Barry Hearn

The Final

Eirian enters the fray

Graeme on the TV

Neil smiles as Rob Walker recounts the story of him having just £500 for the 20th time

Enter the Dott

The table and the prize

All over for another year

The Presentation

Neil watched by his proud mother

Neil kisses the trophy

Before embarking on a lap of honour

Congratulated by referee Eirian Williams

Neil hugs his mum as Graeme walks to his chair

Lid above the head

And a look inside

Dotty receives his silver medal

And looks on

Neil’s head replaced by a trophy

Neil’s mum holds back the tears

Flag aloft


The famous Crucible twinkle lights

The trophies

The Trophy

On the table

And at the interval

A photo of someone taking a photo of someone taking a photo of the trophy…yeah

Turn around dear

In its case