Hearn on Higgins

Publicly things have gone quiet on the John Higgins front recently but as WPBSA Chairman Barry Hearn has explained to the press, the matter is still being dealt with as a matter of urgency…

Barry is quoted on SportingLife as saying:

“They will make the decisions on what penalties, if any, have got to be made.

“I’m very happy it is out of my hands, it has to be seen to be done thoroughly and independently but it has to be treated as a matter or urgency because anything that questions the integrity of any sport has to be taken terribly seriously.

“The principle fundamentals that are at stake here are everyone giving 100% every frame.

“Sport has to be whiter than white and that is the plan. We are pushing ahead with all speed but within the rules.”

As Barry says, it is important to deal with such issues as quickly as possible but it is of even greater importance to ensure that things are done properly in order to avoid future complications such as a potential appeal based on procedures not being complied with.

On a related note I have had a few people ask recently what is happening as far as the vote concerning Barry’s proposals for the future of the game in the wake of the Higgins saga. The latest news that I have heard is that the vote will now take place in June, although there was a meeting following the conclusion of the World Championship, which you can read about here.