Davison tables takeover bid

Well, just when snooker’s future looked to be clearly mapped out with Barry Hearn’s takeover plan appearing to have received widespread support, snooker’s top players now have another big choice to make following the decision of John Davison to throw his hat into the ring once again…

  • To view Davison’s open letter to the players, please click here.
  • To view the reaction of 110sport players Stephen Hendry and Mark King, please click here.
  • To view Snooker Scene’s Dave Hendon’s view on it all, please click here.
  • UPDATE: You can also read Mark Selby’s view here.

While it is not good to see the future of snooker in the balance yet again, at first glance at least it would appear as though this time we do at least have two credible bids on the table from two proven businessmen. Which is better? Truth be told I don’t really know, Hearn has the advantage of his many connections while Davison appears to have the support of the 110sport players and has what is perhaps a less radical blueprint in front of him. There are though a number of questions currently left unanswered about his bid that will hopefully be answered at the upcoming EGM…