Murphy tired of ‘disrespectful’ O’Sullivan

Interesting stuff, EPTC2 winner Shaun Murphy has today been quoted in The Sun as being rather critical of three-time world champion Ronnie O’Sullivan ahead of their Premier League match scheduled to take place this Thursday. Click below for the details…

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Murphy said:

“I thought it was pathetic, unprofessional. It was disrespectful to the public who had paid to come and watch him play. Four thousand pounds is a lot of money to a lot of people. It was bad taste.”

“I’m a bit tired of all this ‘Ronnie’s Ronnie’ stuff. I don’t subscribe to it, that he should be allowed to get away with it.

“There’s no doubt Ronnie is the biggest draw in snooker and he is the person everyone flocks to watch.

“Snooker is better with Ronnie than without. He creates a buzz and I enjoy playing him.

“We play in the Premier League this week. As far as the players are concerned he is the benchmark even though he is not No1. But from a bloke’s perspective, I watched what he did on TV and didn’t like it.

“Some of my mates thought it was quite funny when I told them but for the people who saw it, it was quite offensive.”

What do you think, was O’Sullivan’s behaviour pathetic or was it entertaining? Does he get away with too much or does his talent mean that he should be given more leeway?

Personally I tend to agree with Shaun on this one as I wasn’t impressed by the whole affair myself, whatever Ronnie’s reasons were for not wanting to pot the black I did find it to be uncomfortable viewing which is an odd feeling to have having just seen a 147!

Their handshake on Thursday night will be an interesting one now…

Click here for David Hendon’s view on the matter.