Snooker Shootout: Saturday Afternoon Updates

So then, day two of the new Snooker Shootout as Neil Robertson, Shaun Murphy and Mark Selby enter the fray. The day has not got off to the best start though with news of a new betting controversy hitting the World Snooker website this morning…

World Snooker have this morning published the following statement in relation to the match between Marcus Campbell and Jimmy Michie yesterday:

The WPBSA has been made aware, by bookmakers, of suspicious betting patterns on the match between Jimmy Michie and Marcus Campbell at the Snooker Shoot-Out on Friday evening.

The match in the one-frame knockout tournament in Blackpool was won by Campbell, 32 points to 21. An usually high number of bets had been placed on Campbell to win the match.

The matter has been passed on to David Douglas, head of the WPBSA’s Integrity Unit, for a thorough and immediate investigation.

WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson said: “We take the threat of corrupt activity very seriously and we are treating this matter with the utmost urgency. Having set up the Integrity Unit last year, we have the mechanisms in place to make a full investigation.”

Not the best news for snooker but hopefully it will be dealt with quickly and not be something that drags on for the next year as some similar incidents have done in the past.

Meanwhile back on the table, Neil Robertson has made a bright start against Barry Pinches, breaks of 21 and 81 enough to see him through to the next round in no time at all. Barry had a chance but a foul shot which saw him accidentally pot the brown to give Neil ball in hand from which he made that 81.

Jimmy White on Twitter:

“Afternoon all! Just been for a practise at my friend les dodds club now on way back to the venue and try my hand at a bit of commentary”

Something to keep an ear out for. I’ll probably miss it though as I do have to go out at some point this afternoon unfortunately.

Fabulous start from Peter Lines, potting a red cushion first despite it being some distance from the pocket. Splitting the reds and making it to 37, Peter had a great chance to win the frame in one visit but a missed black off the spot has given Barry a chance to get back into it. Could we see the first big (ish) comeback of the tournament so far?

Not in one visit, Barry has missed on 24…and a costly in-off has allowed Lines to build his lead to 59-24 with less than two minutes remaining, I think that’s game over for the Hawk…and it is.

What a dramatic third match as Rory McLeod sends former world champion Shaun Murphy crashing out of the tournament in the first really close match of the event to date. In fact with barely 15 seconds remaining, Rory potted what would prove to be the winning ball to steal what would normally be an unlikely victory and move into the last 32.

Next up Matt Selt and Alfie Burden, two very good players who despite not having the TV experience of most of the other players, could surprise this week…but Matt Selt isn’t going to have the chance, a fabulous break of 106 from Alfie Burden, the second century break of the week to sail into the next round.

And joining him will be Joe Perry, two big breaks from him to clear the table to the pink helping him to end the challenge posed by top 16 player Ricky Walden.

Judd Trump against Dave Harold next up, now this could be fun!

First in is Judd Trump with an early run of 30 but to his credit, Dave has got back to the table and drawn himself level at 30-30. Could we see the first blue ball shootout? No, somewhat predictably Dave found himself caught out by the 15 second shot clock and played a poor safety which Judd took full advantage of.

Unfortunately I have to go out for an hour or so now, hopefully I won’t miss too much…

Back in the building and the results in my absence were:

Graeme Dott 99-16 Matthew Couch
Ken Doherty 81-1 Jamie Cope h2h
Adrian Gunnell 85-30 David Morris
Rod Lawler 55-38 Gerard Greene
Mike Dunn 67-36 Matthew Stevens
Stuart Pettman 41-35 Bjorn Haneveer
Mark Davis 49-6 Joe Swail
Mark Selby 44-34 Andy Hicks
Anthony Hamilton 70-31 Anthony McGill
Stuart Bingham 51-31 Ian McCulloch