Burden’s Blog: Push For The Top 48

On Q Promotions

He’s back again, as the season enters its final phase, Alfie Burden summarises how his season has progressed since his last blog, as well as updating us on the status of Team AB…


I’ve been busy since the last blog so here is what I’ve been up to.

The last three or four tournaments haven’t quite gone as I’d hoped. I was disappointed to miss out on the top 24 for the PTC finals finishing 37th on the Order of Merit but I would like to say that I think the PTCs are a great thing for snooker. It is great for the pros to stay busy and for the amateurs to play in the same tournaments is a great way to integrate it. They are great events and I am looking forward to playing in them next season.

Following the back of the PTCs I played in the UK Championship which I would have really liked to have done well in but I lost in a high quality match 9-7 to Mark Joyce. I was disappointed I lost but I made 10 breaks over 50 in the match and was not disappointed with my form.

Following on from the UK I played in the German Masters. I won my opening match 5-2 against Zhang Anda and then lost to Thirapongpaiboon in probably my most disappointing performance this season – just had a bad day! After that I packed my cue away for three weeks as I felt that after the busy six months I’d had I needed a break and to spend time with the family and enjoy Christmas.

I had a lovely Christmas. All of my family came to mine and I cooked the Christmas dinner. I spent lots of time watching all the cooking programmes leading up to it and cooked a great dinner! As it happens, the ABs dinner was that good I’m thinking of entering Masterchef next year or if any of the other players fancy the challenge lets get ourselves on Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook.

I got the cue back out again in the new year as I had been invited to play in a tournament in India with Jimmy White, Stephen Lee and Reanne Evans. Jimmy and I were really looking forward to it as we were also bringing our partners, Jimmy’s girlfriend Kelly and my wife Jacey. We had a great time! I got beaten 6-4 in the quarters and Jimmy got beaten in the final. The hospitality was fantastic, I love the place and the people, they are keen to invite us back next year so I will look forward to that.

There was not much respite as straight from India I was off to Blackpool for the Snooker Shootout. I would like to start by saying what an incredible venue the circus tower in Blackpool was but again, on a personal note, the tournament didn’t go as well as I would have liked. I played Matt Selt in Round One and made a 106 break which was pleasing to do in a one frame format. I was cueing well and feeling very comfortable as I loved the interaction with the crowd and the atmosphere was amazing.

I personally feel this kind of format is the way forward for snooker. Maybe not the one frame situation but definitely the crowd participation. I then went on to play Mike Dunn where anyone who watched it will know I was very unlucky to lose but that’s snooker. I thoroughly enjoyed the tournament, the arena and backstage was buzzing. I really hope Barry Hearn finds time in the calender to slot a few more of these tournaments in. It was refreshing to see a snooker venue with a packed crowd and not just a few people scattered through the stands which unfortunately happens too often.

On Q Promotions

Finally, I have just finished playing in the Welsh Open Qualifiers. In the first round I beat Norway’s finest Kurt Maflin and I also beat his wife in the first round of the World Open so I think it’s safe to say I wont be on the guest list at the Maflin’s for dinner 🙂 Kurt was OK though as I beat him in good time so he managed to catch his bus home as he famously missed one earlier in the season 🙂 In the next round I lost an extremely tight match 4-3 to Rory McLeod on the black ball.

To summarise where I am at the moment, without having any major tournament runs I have only lost one first round match so it’s not looking too bad and there are two tournaments left, the China Open and the Worlds. I would really love to qualify for the Worlds again as I have such fond memories of playing there, so I will be trying to win as many matches as possible in both these tournaments so I can push for the 48 for next season, which I feel is well within my reach.

On a Personal Note

My son, Lene, who is 5 played his first proper football match. He’s playing for the under 7s even though he should be under 6s as he is showing a lot of ability at his young age. I’m also pleased to say my little girl, Bow, got a fantastic school report and is really excelling herself – I’m so proud of her!

Me and my Dad, Tony, went to the Arsenal v Barcelona game at the Emirates. What a game of football! Two teams playing football the right way – it was fantastic to watch! We also have tickets for the Carling Cup final at Wembley but I’m hoping I won’t make it and I’ll be playing in my final qualifying round for Chinal, but if not I will be in a box at Wembley watching the Arsenal lift the trophy!


On a personal note for Curt the general or Curt the muppet as we like to call him, it’s great to see his favourite player back on the tour – he follows him very closley – Liu Song and good luck Liu for the rest of the season, from Curt. Also, a quick question for Curt – HOW ARE CHELSEA DOING THIS SEASON???

Another member of Team AB, Paul Clegg, was very sad of the news Pontins is closing down as he has a lot of fond memories of the place and misses Roland and all the boys – not to worry Paul mate.

Final Team AB news is that it is unfortunate that I have had to sack Andrew as he didn’t wear his correct uniform at the snooker shootout! 😉

Bring on the rest of the season!