Luca Brecel Handed Main Tour Wildcard?

Following weeks of speculation it now appears as though Belgian prodigy Luca Brecel has been handed a wildcard onto the professional circuit next season, though I am slightly confused as to how this will work as I explain below…

  • To view the story on Luca’s own official website, please click here.

With the aid of Google translate I have read the page in English and apparently Luca’s father Carlo has received an email from World Snooker confirming that Luca Brecel will be on the main circuit next season having been handed a wildcard.

Assuming that this is correct, that is good news for Sam Harvey, Li Hang and Lee Walker who each drew Luca in the opening round of the upcoming three Q School events that will determine twelve of the places on the main tour for next season.

Why I am slightly confused however is the fact that (as explained during my previous post here), there is no provision in the tour structure for a wildcard player next season. For Luca to be handed a place therefore, presumably one of the 72 professionals from last season to have retained their place must have withdrawn from the circuit next season or alternatively one of the other amateur nominations must not be in a position to take up their place.

Whatever has happened though, Luca fully deserves his place on the professional circuit having actually qualified for the main tour on two previous occasions by winning the European U-19 Championship and then the main European Championship events only to be denied a spot by the age restrictions previously in place.

How he will perform on the main circuit remains to be seen but for me it is right that he is given the opportunity to gain more experience and mix it with the professionals given what he has already achieved in his short career.

Stay tuned tonight for a further post setting out how the 96 man tour is shaping up for next season…