A quick post here regarding the site and in particular your comments which I am particularly pleased with at the moment…
Since starting the blog I have always had a few comments left on my posts but the amount of them has definitely been on the increase recently which is good to see. Even more importantly however I think that the quality of comments is really good too so thanks to everyone who has left a comment recently, all are appreciated.
One other thing that I wanted to say on the subject is that I appreciate that many readers are from overseas and so English is not their first language. If this applies to you then I do not mind at all and would still encourage you to leave a comment if you see a post that you have an opinion on. Also there is no need to apologise for any mistakes or anything like that, I am English myself and I can’t help but make them from time to time so don’t feel shy about that!
Anyway to everyone whether you like to leave a comment or simply like to read my posts, thanks for visiting and I hope that you enjoy the final few days of the China Open, it is getting really interesting now isn’t it?