Betfred World Snooker Championship 2009: Results so far

I wanted to do this from the start but due to being in Sheffield I haven’t had the time. Better late than never anyway, here is a list of the tournament results so far…


Shaun Murphy 9-18 John Higgins

First Session:0-83(78), 6-85(52), 20-79(43), 83(58)-7, 96(41)-50, 114(109)-4, 63-49, 34-69

Second Session: 98(57,37)-1, 12-87(52), 70-51, 95(95)-11, 70-45(38), 132(128)-0, 82(50)-0, 128(128)-6

Third Session: 64-42(41), 0-91(91), 60-49, 76(49)-43(43), 28-70(47), 49(45)-79(79), 94(61)-26, 80(52)-59

Fourth Session: 106(48,56)-21, 0-78(59), 105(73)-0


Mark Allen 13-17 John Higgins

First Session: 59-70 65-38 66-14 (55) 58-32 58-66 129-1 (114) 79-45 122-3 (75)

Second Session: 0-129(129), 27-95(66), 8-69(43), 1-128(104), 2-119(43,70), 103(103)-0, 0-89(32,44), 40-72(41)

Third Session: 76(63)-67, 0-86(85), 86(56)-1, 74(58)-45, 12-114(93), 73-23, 67-26, 72(39)-12

Fourth Session:106(106)-8, 65-37, 70(37)-26, 24-116(116), 66(47)-11, 44(44)-80(60)

Neil Robertson 14-17 Shaun Murphy

First Session: 57-66(40), 6-74(46), 81(81)-0, 74(62)-57(57), 19-56(55), 0-88(88), 98(81)-0, 80(46)-7

Second Session:7-92(63), 60-67(rsb), 68-44, 0-73(49), 21-69(64), 0-93(93), 70(70)-57(57), 68(38)-43(33)

Third Session:45(45)-65(43), 32-87(80), 61-62, 38-81(41), 0-82(68), 91(66)-0, 70(68)-11, 106(101)-0

Fourth Session:69-19, 91(33)-16, 81(45)-52(40), 82-20, 7-106(106), 22-89(81), 0-94(94)


Mark Allen 13-11 Ryan Day

First Session: 27-62, 84(61)-0, 66(36)-32, 13-70(66), 8-71(71), 135(103)-0, 86(51)-16

Second Session: 69-50 (69) 0-84 (84) 10-73 (68) 42-82 1-78 (70) 119-0 (119) 64-54 (54 Day) 82-19 (64)

Third Session: 17-106(106), 108(108)-5, 29-65(45), 73(59)-28, 53-60(42), 100(65)-20, 29-58, 103(103)-1

John Higgins 13-12 Mark Selby

First Session: 8-119(118), 0-129(124), 0-118(117), 60(57)-19, 69(65)-57(57), 64-0, 141(141)-0, 0-96(96)

Second Session: 96(84)-21, 95(39,52)-19, 83(83)-0, 5-77(77), 18-71, 0-114(114), 0-70(65), 77(60)-64(55)

Third Session: 1-69, 0-139(119), 86(52)-0, 75(51)-0, 30-52, 74(54)-18, 2-68(42), 113(41,47)-4, 75(75)-0

Stephen Hendry 11-13 Shaun Murphy

First Session: 47(42)-78(78), 117(117)-0, 66-44(42), 67(32,34)-61(61), 90(36,49)-23, 61(41)-73(61), 147(147)-0, 0-82(73)

Second Session: 137-0 (137) 76-37 (76) 105-1 (104) 80-1 (80) 16-66 (51) 66-63 51-59 89-0 (82)

Third Session: 40(37)-85(59), 71-40, 6-82(73), 53-52, 106(80)-13, 16-98(81), 70(69)-29, 3-110(110)

Neil Robertson 13-8 Stephen Maguire

First Session: 9-74(48), 76(76)-19, 62-53, 105(105)-22, 14-66, 98(98)-0, 88(53)-23, 9-75(75)

Second Session: 28-50, 5-124(115), 66(65)-25, 70(43)-2, 70(43)-2, 51(33)-61(33), 65(33)-33(33)

Third Session: 65(31)-33(33), 89(49)-4, 75(61)-24, 68(38)-30, 124(124)-0, 8-87(71), 67(54)-59(59)

Last 16

Ronnie O’Sullivan 11-13 Mark Allen

First Session: 36-47, 17-73(57), 69(40)-54(53), 69(40)-54(53), 68(68)-1, 71(43)-6, 10-63, 8-119(119), 93(93)-1

Second Session: 107(107)-0, 101(34,46)-0, 0-117(108), 60(60)-70(70), 93(93)-0, 10-115(115), 98(94)-15, 92(64)-1

Third Session: 0-75(59), 4-89(69), 65-72(respot), 105(105)-0, 14-83(36), 78(67)-6, 37(31)-80(80), 0-80

Ryan Day 13-5 Nigel Bond

First Session: 99(62)-0, 0-77(53), 24-79(79), 14-104(69), 107(59,48), 0-98(47), 60(60)-74(74)

Second Session: 14-91(91), 29-79, 6-134(134), 73(49)-19, 58(46)-79(48), 98(92)-0, 33-76(71), 72(44)-55(51)

Third Session: 38-82(68), 77(32,45)-0

John Higgins 13-12 Jamie Cope

First Session: 107(107)-0, 97(97)-35(35), 49(49)-72(72), 105(65,40)-16, 30-54, 33-68, 71(49)-5, 34-72

Second Session: 128(128)-0, 10-73(58), 88(74)-38(38), 8-117(102), 10-122(38,84), 113(113)-0, 71(39)-0, 0-118(118)

Third Session: 66-35(35), 56(50)-65(33), 12-65(46), 1-90(82), 71(48)-43(40), 0-103(103), 97(96)-5, 5-68, 0-80(80)

Graeme Dott 10-13 Mark Selby

First Session: 24-80(52), 62(41)-67, 60-45, 81(81)-0, 25-64, 0-70(70), 23-67, 6-109(104)

Second Session: 128(39,57)-0, 71(37)-25, 0-101(101), 122(117)-0, 18-64, 69-64, 20-64, 21-79(71)

Third Session: 63-39, 0-81(81), 75(64)-68, 69-36, 44-61(42), 88(88)-0, 26-70(64)

Shaun Murphy 13-3 Marco Fu

First Session: 115(115)-0, 66(46)-58(58), 5-114(60,47), 70-43, 77(73)-15, 77(77)-27, 63-52, 49-17

Second Session: 0-129(129), 102(102)-21, 67-35, 8-109(74), 76(48)-0, 71(62)-38, 85(85)-18, 128(101)-0

Stephen Hendry 13-10 Ding Junhui

First Session:  34(34)-73(59), 0-129(112), 91(91)-22, 16-88(88), 92(63)-14, 59(49)-50, 87(39)-7, 2-90

Second Session: 0-86(53), 91(65)-0, 0-130(130), 69-52, 68(61)-59(32), 138(114)-0, 7-94(87), 60(44)-63

Third Session: 60-37, 140(140)-0, 94(86)-0, 32-66, 1-81(49), 0-129(121), 72(38)-62(57)

Ali Carter 8-13 Neil Robertson

First Session: 0-97(92), 113(51,54)-10, 0-79(79), 81(48)-14, 16-111(67), 66(46)-39(38), 64(37)-50(36), 39-69(43)

Second Session: 116(47,69)-5, 63(38)-35, 99(71)-24, 63(42)-64(56), 66(66)-68(68), 80(72)-24, 66(66)-73, 56-58

Third Session: 0-109(89), 10-68(59), 67(60)-59, 15-112(112), 11-61

Mark King 6-13 Stephen Maguire

First Session: 133(93)-0, 56(44)-70, 19-85, 60(41)-18, 63(61)-49(31), 0-79(79), 77-46(46), 49-78

Second Session: 51-19, 29-71, 60(60)-65(49), 1-83(83), 73-52,  0-141(133), 73-50(41), 0-71(54)

Third Session: 45-69, 0-86(65), 34-87(51)

Last 32

Ronnie O’Sullivan 10-5 Stuart Bingham

First Session: 69(61)-9, 140(140)-0, 1-103(67), 4-61, 32(32)-101(43,58), 74(47)-48(42), 73(72)-23, 104(104)-0, 74(73)-29

Second Session: 78(78)-16, 0-84(80), 0-100(100), 103(94)-0, 143(103)-0, 119(97)-0

Mark Allen 10-6 Martin Gould

First Session: 69(69)-49(49), 83(65)-15, 12-75(71), 73(43)-39, 84-14, 77(77)-0, 129(129)-0, 99(47,52)-1, 57(39)-62

Second Session: 41(41)-95(87), 0-90(90), 8-77(74), 68(44)-17, 102(84)-21, 1-96(68), 88(88)-9

Peter Ebdon 5-10 Nigel Bond

First Session: 58(54)-66, 113(113)-0, 6-74(74), 52-79(43), 95(65)-0, 24-65(37), 28-83(60), 62(36)-48(44)

Second Session: 71-7, 55-37, 0-79(58), 39-63, 56-72(42), 34-83, 13-62

Ryan Day 10-4 Stephen Lee

First Session: 57(56)-66(36), 90(35,42)-9, 84(65)-12, 72-42, 59-57(47), 82(38)-2, 8-78(44), 120(120)-0, 31-77(50)

Second Session: 86(86)-0, 0-98(65), 79(47)-36, 72-60(58), 73-27

John Higgins 10-5 Michael Holt

First Session: 88(88)-1, 56-72, 0-102(102), 56(38)-52(52), 73(53)-1, 0-71, 67-42, 91(91)-0, 68(32)-2

Second Session: 63(43)-55, 56-57(38), 79(44)-4, 139(131)-0, 68(68)-0, 80(80)-53(49)

Joe Perry 6-10 Jamie Cope

First Session: 40-61(48), 67(36)-46, 79(79)-0, 71(46)-60(33), 64(33)-41(34), 12-66(49), 0-71(71), 119(110)-0, 6-81(81)

Second Session: 0-85(81), 56(32)-75(75), 30-79(78), 76(60)-25, 31-73(73), 32-71(50), 4-71(37)

Graeme Dott 10-8 Barry Hawkins

First Session: 0-122(82), 71(71)-33(33), 87(71)-0, 7-56, 42(34)-78(50), 1-143(129), 112(82)-0, 92(36,31)-0, 15-68(67)

Second Session: 95(70)-41, 0-105(105), 91(91)-0, 104(95)-5, 70(69)-45, 0-75(75), 45(37)-85(84), 83-8, 70(46)-63(63)

Mark Selby 10-6 Ricky Walden

First Session: 75(41,34)-37(37), 85(37)-0, 0-90(90), 77(40)-8, 95(61)-6, 0-113(78), 84-6, 53(36)-74(52), 73(73)-60(44)

Second Session: 127(127)-0, 9-71(43), 74(58)-11, 0-100(100), 117(117)-15, 20-78(57), 117(101)-7

Shaun Murphy 10-8 Andrew Higginson

First Session: 37-65, 77-20, 128(123)-1, 25-85(60), 62(31)-27, 65(54)-21, 61(56)-71, 14-69, 68-6

Second Session: 52-65, 10-80(66), 69(49)-41(37), 12-71, 68-35, 82(69)-34, 129(101)-1, 26-65(64), 72(69)-17

Marco Fu 10-4 Joe Swail

First Session: 111(111)-4, 0-84(54), 80(45)-1, 20-72(45), 6-81(53), 88(87)-6, 74-56(41), 0-91(50), 124(124)-0

Second Session: 122(122)-0, 52-30, 75(55)-47, 69-62(62), 75-17

Ding Junhui 10-8 Liang Wenbo

First Session: 76(71)-7, 49(36)-61(32), 68(43)-50(38), 64(63)-31, 69(41)-49(35), 16-110(90), 4-95(95), 61-48(35), 59(46)-71

Second Session: 82(58)-8, 73(72)-52(52), 0-128(51,77), 0-72(68), 0-73, 20-91(91), 112(111)-22, 100(91)-0, 92(63)-14

Stephen Hendry 10-7 Mark Williams

First Session: 99(72)-25, 67(46)-12, 0-75(75), 70(61)-6, 73(36,32)-1, 0-74(57), 32-86(44,38), 15-67(66), 30-66(45)

Second Session: 60(51)-64, 74(65)-8, 14-71(42), 70(51)-69, 100(83)-20, 68(53)-54, 77(53)-40(40), 64-54

Allister Carter 10-5 Gerard Greene

First Session: 68(32)-22, 74(45)-5, 62-45(45), 48-60, 89(89)-0, 91(91)-17, 65(53)-6, 0-100(62,38), 17-61(55)

Second Session: 19-60(52), 67(33)-66, 84(68)-0, 2-91(55), 77(46)-71(48), 82(33)-31

Neil Robertson 10-2 Steve Davis

First Session: 61(37)-9, 81(73)-0, 0-76(51), 71(53)-25, 83(69)-25, 62(48)-50, 88(88)-0, 18-74, 68(59)-22

Second Session: 71-19, 126(125)-0, 63-10

Mark King 10-6 Rory McLeod

First Session: 27-59(45), 76(71)-30, 73(62)-27, 77(31)-47(35), 31-68, 40-73

Second Session: 31-8, 72-43(35), 114(114)-0,129(54,75)-0, 76(67)-1, 31-64, 72(66)-0, 68-14

Third Session: 1-119(65,54), 70-45

Stephen Maguire 10-5 Jamie Burnett

First Session: 98(98)-0, 1-78(58), 88(50)-28, 68-1, 96(96)-0, 50-2, , 106(101)-58-66(39), 0-83(76)

Second Session: 122(122)-0, 67(48)-8, 65-71(37), 109(75)-0, 28-60(48), 127(127)-0